Member Code of Conduct
The Charitable Objects of toogoodtowaste are:
To assist with the relief of poverty by helping to meet the furniture and household needs of people on low income by, but not limited to, recycling furniture which would otherwise be thrown away, and advancing more sustainable waste management practises; and
To advance the development and education of people by providing opportunities to volunteer and to train, so as to develop work skills and social skills, gain work experience and encourage social integration.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to outline the standard of behaviour expected of all members of the organisation in delivering the charitable objects.
The underpinning values are:
Integrity and honesty – in dealing with other members, trustees, staff and volunteers within toogoodtowaste, and equally when dealing with external individuals and organisations.
Transparency – maintaining an atmosphere of openness throughout the organisation to promote confidence with both staff and volunteers, internal and external stakeholders, and the wider public.
Member Code of Conduct
Members are expected to:
Follow and promote the charitable objects and values of toogoodtowaste.
Always act in the best interests of toogoodtowaste.
Use the resources of toogoodtowaste responsibly and only to further its stated charitable objects.
Uphold the reputation of toogoodtowaste, and never do anything that could bring the reputation of the organisation into disrepute or expose it to undue risk.
Treat others with dignity and respect, and specifically to respect the views, opinions, knowledge and expertise of other members, trustees, staff, and volunteers where they may differ from their own.
Abide by and reflect the current policies and procedures of toogoodtowaste irrespective of any conflict with personal views.